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Essential Diagram Improvements

The following video is part of a submission to Syncfusion on some requested improvements to their Essential Diagram product. Though it seems like it recently, I won’t be burying this blog with videos related to product support. It’s just convenient to visually describe a problem or a functionality request and not have to be worried about compressing the video enough to get through file attachment limits on a particular support site. The Syncfusion support system has a 2MB limit for attachments which is reasonable for coding related files.. Unfortunately video files (even screencasts) can quickly get over 2MB with very little audio or resolution. It seems like video, both the production and viewing of it, is going to drive the need for more powerful processors, more memory, more disk space and more bandwidth in the coming years. So even if today’s PCs seem plenty powerful, there’s plenty of demand for more power in the video driven applications.

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