Advertising Quid Pro Quo
The recent screencast work put together and posted today was satisfying in that I now have a means of showing some software related concept once and publishing it for repeated viewing. Yeah.. I was reasonably happy with the result. Sure I sound incredibly stilted when say compared to a newsreader or a third grader doing show and tell, but thats hopefully going to improve over time. Then I played one of the videos all the way to the end off the torq web site… and got… an advert for “a tribute to lonely girl15”. Ahh crap. You take something for free and there’s a quid quo pro with respect to advertising, whose content you have no control over. Welcome to Web 2.0. Yes its a reasonable exchange. Swap a free service for advertising. Its totally reasonable, but I prefer to pay a subscription in this case. The problem is I quite like the service except for the advertising. The screencasts will stay as is for now, so apologies for whatever weird adverts you get in the mean time!