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Audible not authorized WTF?

I’ve been aware of the "Getting things done" approach to time management from mentions on various blogs and podcasts. Today I came across the reference again and decided to maybe buy a book on the subject. Amazon listed hardback, paperback, audio cd, audio casette and and audio download. The audio download was at a reasonable price of $9.95. Now I’m of the opinion that e-books and audio downloads should be significantly cheaper than their physical counterparts such as books and CDs. Its frustrating when you see a price only marginally cheaper for the electronic version of some content when the seller doesn’t have to allow for the physical manufacturing costs, the cost of stocking the physical items and the cost of moving those items around.

When going ahead with the audio download purchase, I got shuffled over to audible.com. This required me to log into audible and then find the audio download again. An attempt to buy the audio came up with this:


Huh? Don’t you want my business? Now this may be due to restrictions placed on audible.com by the author, but from a customer point view, I just wanted to act on an impulse purchase without much hassle. Now I can’t really be bothered.

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